Friday 7 September 2007

The essence of inspiration

It is quite telling to notice the impact a preacher or priest exudes upon his congregation. The impact is always noticeable when the preacher brings himself into the position of calling upon the Holy Ghost to prevail upon the congregation. You might have the misconception the he and the Holy Spirit are long term comrades.

When his preaching is powered by spiritual enthusiasm, the impact it digs into the hearts of the congregation is always immense.

After the sermon, many hearts seem conspicuously transformed. Most of them are now ‘clean’ and the members of the congregation are ‘new creatures.’

More often, you hear talks of “I will never go over-boozing again” or “I will begin paying my tithe on a very strict notice.” One can even say, “I should aim at being a preacher like this pastor.” Many of these resolutions, however, usually go unfulfilled. They simply lose meaning after a few hours or after a day.

Come next Sunday, the preacher with his spiritual charisma instils spiritual inspiration into his congregation. As usual, they feel they are never the same again. They become the humblest of creatures, softest at hearts and most generous in offering.

To inspire somebody positively is a noble thing. The one who instils the inspiration becomes a potent figure. That is how leaders are made in many cases. They create their path towards the crown by exuding their charismatic impact through deed or speech.

If you are such a charismatic person, many people will look to you as a convenient propeller of their destiny. To lose such charisma does not call for any effort because it never lasts for long. If one loses it, it means someone more charismatic has risen in his or her place. His inspiration bears more impact to the people and is perceived as the right candidate to steer the people into the land of milk and honey.

How many times have you inspired somebody? You could inspire somebody who has an all-round negative attitude towards life to redefine such reflection and think positively. You could inspire a kid to work hard at school and achieve their childhood dream.

Lack of inspiration buries a dream that would otherwise come true! And, inspiration is just motivation or mental stimulation.

For a good reason, you could consider sitting back to reflect on how many people have felt your impact and stimulated a change in their life. How many of them have you inspired to undertake the noble task or innovation? How many of them have you inspired to come out of their idleness and realise that even 24 hours a day is insufficient for them? How many have you inspired to get the urge to take on writing, singing, dancing or even reading as their hobby?

Numerous talents only need the spark of an inspiration to activate them. With this, they’ll surely crawl out of the invisible to the tangible world. Such inspiration could otherwise create a fundamental landmark in someone’s life. The landmark could in turn propel the society into better heights than was hitherto. You could inspire someone and see what a noble thing you did!

Joshua Masinde

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