Wednesday 28 May 2008

What a damn!

I've been up and down for some days (over a week) . My head has almost blown off. My oscilliation between the Main Gate (The Ivory Tower) and Barclays Bank@Wandegeya has been one of my bad nightmares. I can't explain why The Barclays Guys@the Wandegeya station can't style up. Traditionally, after depositing a cheque, a customer is customarilly supposed to wait for a period four days before it matures. But, hell hath no fury for an incensed young lad. A wait of as more than a week ain't worth their name.

Their 'new' computer which hang@the slightest opportunity. Their slow, reluctant, remorseless, disgusting, annoying servive to customers. 'Their' relaxed, unconcerned outlook toward their 'platinum' customers. What a damn.

These are some of the expressions I overhead, (besides being myself, unordinarilly and unwittingly incenced with their relaxedness and lagginess@work) :

'This fellow is shit man!' a well dressed man's remark after being told to go to the next counter for services that could be done by the fellow@the counter.

'My account (despite having enough cash for a few months salary) has been closed three times," a lady in her thirties expressing her annoyance. Her face, adorned with fury could tell it all.

'This is stress,' another one decried. She brisked out of the banking hall.

Their unpredictable on/off severs. Who is their service providers? Are they really World Class bankers when all&sundry are grumbling@their services? Is it pride?

Transactions are often slow (sometimes done) without the passion to work.

A particular lady refused to serve me. Reason?

"You had said I earlier intentionally refused to serve you when the server was off." Pure nonsense. Does she even know the concept of vital public whom she needs to woo instead of proudingly claiming she wouldn't serve for lack of sense in her head?

"You should know how to treat your customers?" I told her. Without us, you would be on Unemployment Street.


Tandra said...

u do know u can complain to the managers, right? like at barclays Kampala road.. the orginal barclays not the nIle pretenders, right?

They apparently take CC more serious than original nile bank. so dont sit on ur complaint..let ur voice be heard!!

and since u have enabled comment moderation i cant tell if this has been posted already... ooo well... one last try

Joshua Masinde said...

Yeah. You are right. I will do that coz am their customer.

ombui said...

Those are the banks we dig. They are very ordinary and relic.

I think micro-finances are far better in the pace of services...

Next time...Change the bank...

Joshua Masinde said...

I never thought about micro-finances, but such banking institutions are all the same. They are different wolves that keep evolving in different sheep' skin. The same unsatiable appetite, the same consumption power. But, would their services be worthwhile, the stress that come with banking would be a tip of the iceberg.
