Saturday 20 June 2009

The Day Evil Dies

Book: The Day Evil Dies
Author: Clifford Goldstein
Publisher: Review & Herald
Reviewer: Joshua Masinde

Evil deeds, just like the good ones are inseparable from human existence. Some of such evil acts, like the holocaust, engineered by the Nazis, are already confined to History. Many more are imbedded in the human heart. Just like Goethe, the German poet, acknowledges, “Two souls, alas, are lodged within my breast, and struggle there for undivided reign.”
Goldstein writes that one does not need to be chained in a Marxist dungeon to know the struggle, controversy between good and evil, right and wrong, faith and unbelief, which rage around and in us. Indeed, the fiercest and most consequential struggles unfold, not in dramatic spectacles that could be glamorised in a Hollywood script but in the quivering folds of the human heart.
Of Malcolm Muggeridge, he says he described the “human drama” as unfolding an “obvious dichotomy” between two forces: “One is the Devil and the other God.”
He elaborates his central idea of the battle between evil and good in the human heart by quoting American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes, “We are all soldiers in a great campaign, the details of which are veiled from us”.
The struggles in life he elicits in the book present tough moral choices in which the human conscience is “twiddled, prodded or tweaked”. The options lie in two extremes, good and evil, truth and error, right and wrong. There’s no middle ground as with life and death.
For evil to die between the two options, one has to choose the good-life. He writes that someone asked Billy Graham if he were an optimist or a pessimist: “I am an optimist,” he answered, “I have read the last page of the Bible.”
The death of evil is also a biblical promise in the book of Revelation. John says, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away...”
Clifford Goldstein’s The Day Evil Dies is a prophecy to past biblical and historical allusions, the present day occurrences and a foreshadow of the future. He explores some forgotten milestones of the past to help us understand the future, in a world where we are all foot soldiers in an invisible war. How will it end?
Behind-the-scenes, he writes, glimpses of the hand of God in history show that centuries of heresy, fanaticism, persecution, apostasy, and faith will soon culminate in an astonishing international crisis....religious politics will shape the future of America and curtail our freedoms leading to a terrible climax of evil before the final, glorious triumph of love.
“Now, you can understand your true role before it’s too late.”
By Joshua Masinde

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